October 16, 2010

Kancamagus Byway

I slept quite soundly in my double bed at the motel. I grabbed my continental breakfast of Sunny D and a donut stick and hit the road again. I had written poor directions to a few covered bridges in New Hampshire and finally stopped at a visitor center and asked where they were. The first bridge was the Swift River Bridge.The next stop was the Saco River Bridge. The foliage was gorgeous at both spots.

Then I diverted from my original route. I had planned to drive the White Mountain Scenic Byway and then the Kancamagus Byway. Due to the approaching hurricane, I decided to do Kancamagus first. Well at my first stop it started raining and proceeded to pour for the next 8 hours. The Albany covered bridge was neat. The next stop was Rocky Gorge. A huge tour bus had disgorged people there so it was quite busy. I walked over to a small pond on the other side of the bridge for some quiet. It’s amazing how people don’t explore further than the parking lot. The Gorge was pumping because of the rain. There was an amazing story on an trail side exhibit about a woman who people thought had drowned there. In order to recover the body they diverted the water from the river and a rescuer came across a foot. He got a rope around it and pulled it up and she was still alive!! She had tried to walk across the rocks and slipped and fell and somehow ended up underneath a waterfall where no one could hear her. Amazing! I stopped at an old farm and homestead and there wasn’t a soul in sight so I drove on. My next stop was Sabbaday Falls. This required a 15 minute hike into the woods. They were interesting though because there's an upper drop which spills over into another drop that makes a 90 degree angle turn into a flume and drops again into a pool.They were roaring too. The highway was gorgeous with mountains and foliage everywhere. I stopped at a few more overlooks and tried to soak it all in-literally. I arrived in Lincoln, NH and made a quick stop for postcards at the infamous Clark’s Trading Post (where apparently they have trained bears. I didn’t see any). Before we continue I have to tell an interesting story. I’ve been really into family history lately and have been poring over albums from when my dad was growing up. Well a few days before my trip my aunt found my grandparents wedding album with honeymoon pictures. Lo and behold my route was planned almost exactly the same!! Their final destination was the Gaspe Peninsula in Quebec but they went to Acadia, Bar Harbor, and the Bay of Fundy in Maine, and Franconia Notch and Crawford Notch in New Hampshire. I was floored. When I got home I also found out that Kyle and Devin honeymooned in Lincoln, NH and spent most of their time at Franconia. Funny how that works.

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