April 16, 2011

Historic Old Philadelphia

Sunday dawned bright and sunny and we headed downtown to Independence Hall. Since we were there so early, we managed to get in to see the Liberty Bell first thing before the crowds and got some great pictures. While waiting for our Independence Hall tour we wandered around the historic part of Old Philadelphia and discovered cobblestone streets, brick houses, imposing old buildings, and various monuments and statues.

Either the First or Second National Bank, I forget which.Philadelphia's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Statue of "The Signer"
We also came across some cherry blossoms finally! Getting into the historical spirit, I decided that I would read all the posted NPS informational signs aloud in a booming historical voice (reminiscent of FDR). This quickly annoyed Jess to no end when the quiet morning was interrupted by me bellowing “HERE AT THIS HISTORIC SPOT LIES A MONUMENT OF EPIC SIGNIFICANCE…”
We made our way back to Independence Hall to wait in line for our tour. After seeing that there was no order to the long line, we sat on the benches closest to the front of it and just bulldozed our way in front of everyone when it was time for our tour. We first sat for a quick intro to Independence Hall before finally being let inside. It was gorgeous! You could practically smell the history that happened here. Because we were in such a large group we lingered behind to take some unobstructed pictures. Well apparently we lingered too long because next thing I know a ranger is telling me “this will be your last picture, you need to move along”. As Jess and I slunk out she whispered “oh my gosh Kelly, we just got kicked out of Independence Hall” with a huge grin on her face. Classic!After that we left the grounds (of our own volition) and grabbed some lunch at the Stars and Stripes cafĂ©. Refreshed, we set out to see some more sights including:

Ben Franklin’s grave

Elfreth’s Alley (the oldest continually inhabited street in America)

Betsy Ross’s House (I got a picture with someone named Rickett’s)

Christ Church (church of the founding fathers)

And our day was only half over!

1 comment:

  1. OMG I was going to punch you in your liberate face with all of that noise you were making! :)
