March 27, 2009


Well the big trip is a few months away, and I am in the early stages of planning right now. I've got a ton of stops along the way to plan out, in what makes up the craziest loop home I think I could have possibly come up with. Yep thats right, come July I'll be driving from Colorado to New York, via Montana...and Texas. This is actually a much more sensible plan than what it originally was. I was going to help my friend Jess move to Fairbanks and then drive home to New York from there. It fell through, otherwise I'd of been traveling from Colorado to New York via the Arctic Circle....which even I can recognize as being a bit out of the way. Yep, life has got some big changes in store for me. In the fall I'll be starting grad school in New York and I am pretty excited about it. Now it's time to see America while I've got the time. Look out Open Road, here I come!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Burn-out....I see you've been making some changes here. I told you you'd like blogging. I like the pic. I also think its funny how your quote says "no fixed plans" but the title of your first blog is "Planning" :)
